Bernadette Corporation / Claire Fontaine / Reena Spaulings, Kerstin Cmelka, Claire Fontaine, Iain Forsyth / Jane Pollard, Joachim Koester, Jon Knowles, Jonathan Monk, Falke Pisano, Mario Garcia Torres
Perception of ideas leads to new ideas is No. 21 in Sol Le Witt’s famous sentences on Conceptual Art. The nine artists participating in the exhibition have originated works which can in turn be classed as re-makes of works dating from the 1960s and 70s. They extend beyond a loose referentiality and adopt concrete examples of works from the historical genre of conceptual art in order to endow them with a specific, contemporary slant.
Curated by Vanessa Joan Müller
The exhibition is supported by
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Stadtwerke Düsseldorf