If negation were a colour, then it would be impossible to imagine the palettes of German painters without it. Admittedly, pictures using the colours of negation belong to the best that painting has to offer. Yet they do not cover upthe dreary subject matter, the moral deficit of an art that has lost its desire. Dominik Sittig kneads pictures out of the residues of negation, compositions that pitch themselves into the prevailing conditions. These paintings that veritably scream out their aversions and hysteria are not based on defeatism, but rather on a desperately loving passion. Sittig (b. 1975) – chronicler, analyst and critic of his times – paints, draws and declaims his message: it is always possible to do things better! Which also holds for his first museum-based solo exhibition for the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen – in a stronghold of German painting: Düsseldorf.
A publication with essays by Hermann Gabler, Fabian Ginsberg, Hans-Jürgen Hafner und Clemens Krümmel is available.
Curated by Hans-Jürgen Hafner
The exhibition is supported by
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Stadtwerke Düsseldorf