Book Release
Book Launch and reading with Talisa Lallai and Thea Mantwill
Thursday, November 9, 2023
5.30 PM
Salon des Amateurs, Grabbeplatz 4, Düsseldorf
“All this would not be possible without a person who experiences, who embarks on the journey, who keeps recalling the place in their anticipation beforehand and in their memory afterwards, subtly altering it each time, whose actual encounter with the place deviates from their expectations … and so this one place subsists in countless variations.“ (Thea Mantwill)
On the occasion of the book fair, we are launching the recent publication ICHNVSA by artist Talisa Lallai (b. 1989 Frankfurt am Main, DE), who has produced an edition for the Kunstverein consisting of two photographs. ICHNVSA brings together photographs from her trip to Sardinia, where she explored her father’s homeland. The title is derived from the original name of Sardinia “ichnôussa” (Greek for “footprint”), which alludes to the shape of the island. Artist and author Thea Mantwill will read passages from her own work at the book launch.
© Talisa Lallai