Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo)

Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) Felt Dress (Cefinn) (6–14)
Felt Dress (Cefinn) (6-14), 2019
Cefinn dress (6, 8, 10, 12, 14), vinyl, hanger
Edition of 5
2.200 €

The annual edition Felt Dress (Cefinn) by Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) consists of a custom-made dress hung from a hanger attached to the wall. The grey color and wool fabric evoke Joseph Beuys’ iconic felt suit which was presented in the same way—not least because of the accompanying caption “Beuys.” Yet the Jahresgabe is not simply a homage to the Düsseldorf artist, rather his work has been rewritten through queer-feminist perspective in order to destabilize dominant gender conceptions. Developing on the approach of Elaine Sturtevant—a recurring reference in the artist’s work—Puppies Puppies’ variation on Beuys’ piece becomes a document of her personal transformation. Initially concealed behind the pseudonym “Puppies Puppies,” Jade Kuriki Olivo decided to reveal her identity with the disclosure of her full name. Until recently, hardly anyone knew who she actually was. In her nude performances such as Naked Self (Transitioning) (21 Months On Hormone Replacement Therapy), which was recently staged here in the Kunstverein as part of the Maskulinitäten exhibition, she privileged full disclosure over maximal disguise.

Gesa Hüwe