
The catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition _ palermo_at the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf (October 21, 2007 – January 20, 2008). With texts by Fritz Schaumann, Jürgen Rüttgers, Wolfgang Westphäliger, Ulrike Groos, Susanne Küper, Vanessa Joan Müller, Christine Mehring, Ilka and Andreas Ruby, Logan Sisley, Thomas Lange, Pia Gottschaller, Heiner Friedrich, Helen Winkler, Robin Bruch, Susan Grayson, David Reed, Hans Küng, Marjorie Heidsieck, Robin Winters, Ernst Mitza, Lawrence Weiner, Benjamin Buchloh, Matthew Antezzo, David Austen, Ulla von Brandenburg, Liam Gillick, Alan Johnston, Thomas Scheibitz, Caaoimhín Mac Gilla Léith, Moritz Wesseler, Robin Bruch, Kerstin Heisterkamp, Michaell Heisterkamp and Babett Scobel.
palermo, ed. by Susanne Küper, Ulrike Groos and Vanessa Müller, Düsseldorf, Cologne (DuMont Buchverlag) 2007.
Softcover, 214 pages, in German.
ISBN: 978-3-8321-9014-9