The photography displayed in the ”Schaufenster” is part of the series Atlas of Unknown Matter and has been prupose-made for this presentation. Atlas of Unknown Matter is a compilation of macroscopic details taken from fabric by the Swiss inventor Orbis Wirth. Around 1920, Wirth developed a very complex technique enabling to print fabric with an unlimited number of colours. The colours are being prepared on a print roller, so that they create random but precise shapes. In 2012 Marion Benoit found the first patterns of cloth at a Belgian archive. In collaboration with ethnologist Margareta von Oswald, Benoit started studying the history and manufacturing of these fabrics as well as researching for their origins. Within an extended research, Benoit was able to locate the fabrics‘ origin in St. Gallen, Switzerland. At the archives of local manufacturing sites Marion Benoit discovered a number of fabrics, which provide the foundation for her series Atlas of Unknown Matter.