Guided Tour

20 Jahre dHCS-Stipendium
Exhibition walk-through with the artists Robert Brambora, Nicholas Grafia, Moritz Krauth, Mena Moskopf and Noemi Weber

Thursday, February 15, 2024
5 PM

Walk-through through the current exhibition 20 Jahre dHCS-Stipendium together with the artists and fellows Robert Brambora, Nicholas Grafia, Moritz Krauth, Mena Moskopf, Noemi Weber, the artist Dietmar Lutz as well as Kathrin Bentele, director of the Kunstverein and Gesa Hüwe, curatorial assistant.

Catherina Cramer & Giulietta Ockenfuß, Unleash the Beast. Chapter III – El Axolotl de Xchimilco (2023), installation view 20 Jahre dHCS-Stipendium, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 2024, photo: Cedric Mussano