Guided Tour

Guided tour in German
With Moritz Fiedler, Fabian Friese, Mira Mann, Jan-Luka Schmitz, and Berit Schneidereit

Thursday, January 18, 2024
5 PM

Guided tour through the current exhibition 20 Jahre dHCS-Stipendium together with the artists and fellows Moritz Fiedler, Fabian Friese, Mira Mann, Jan-Luka Schmitz, Berit Schneidereit, the artist Dietmar Lutz as well as Kathrin Bentele, director of the Kunstverein and Gesa Hüwe, curatorial assistant.

20 Jahre dHCS-Stipendium, installation view Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 2024, photo: Cedric Mussano