Liver, Kidney, Breath, Body: A Series of (Corporeal) Codas on Some Photographs by Wols and Eileen Quinlan
Quinn Latimer (Dichterin und Kritikerin)
Samstag, 18. Mai 2019
13 Uhr
“The rumored feelings of photographs are legion but they need a body to make them be”, writes Quinn Latimer in a recent essay on Eileen Quinlan's spectral and substantive photographic practice. Latimer will give a lecture on Quinlan's body of work and its relationship to the photographs of Wols – the twentieth-century photographer and painter born Otto Wolfgang Schulze in Berlin in 1913. The two artists make incandescent, elusively vulnerable images that move from geometric abstractions to more surreally rendered figuration, but the body seems to foreground both tendencies by both artists, as do the ideas and conceits of l’informel. Latimer's lecture is adapted from her essay Liver, Kidney, Breath, Body: A Series of (Corporeal) Codas on Some Photographs by Wols and Eileen Quinlan, forthcoming in a book on Quinlan's work edited by Helena Papadopoulos, to be published by Sequence Press in 2019.
In Englisch.
Eintritt 5 Euro. Ermäßigt 3 Euro. Für Mitglieder ist der Eintritt frei.
Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Ausstellung Eileen Quinlan – WAIT FOR IT, die bis zum 11. August 2019 im Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf zu sehen ist.