Transformalor [4.6.3] – mass reproduction commodity repetition
Johannes Paul Raether
Saturday, May 27, 2017
4 PM
Meeting place: Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf at 4 pm
The performance departs from the Kunstverein and lasts ca. two or three hours.
The number of participants is exceptionally limited. Participation is only possible with registration over email at konopka@kunstverein-duesseldorf.de. Available spaces will be allotted according to the order by which registration emails are received. You will receive confirmation of your participation on Wednesday, May 24th 2017 by 5pm at the latest. Registration after this deadline is, unfortunately, not possible. We hope for your understanding.
Transformalor is an identity, which exclusively appears in its unique habitat of the global Kommunehaeusern der Fortpflanzung. It is a grim PropagandaAvatar of our future Repro-Techno-Stammes, which infiltrates life-prostheses and work-space factories, floating along the dioramas of normality.
In English.
Free entry.
The event accompanies the exhibition Johannes Paul Raether Performance – Protekto.x.x Precipitation, on view at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf through June 18, 2017.