Twins & Lovers
Alicia Frankovich
Friday, April 7, 2017
10 PM
With Isabella Fürnkäs, Alex Heilbron, Moritz Krauth, Ben Marvin and Zorah Wychlacz.
Twins and Lovers is a new performance by Alicia Frankovich that explores the idea of doubling and multiplicity as ways to address relationships, embodiments and potentials for change for individuals within groups. All doublings contain and foreground differences, here these dialogues and relations are produced and dissolve. Frankovich draws languages and images from within artworks in her exhibition OUTSIDE BEFORE BEYOND and surrounding research, that here manifest through social gathering and choreography, a shared or interrelated principal of organizing offering scope for collective gathering and transformation. It is in these doublings, of images, twins, and lovers that the difference and inter-connections among the bodies and forms are entangled and celebrated.
The event accompanies the exhibition Alicia Frankovich – OUTSIDE BEFORE BEYOND, on view at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf through April 9, 2017.