Unterhaltung auf Kosten eines Traurigen
Hedda Schattanik and Roman Szczesny
Friday, December 13, 2019
7.30 PM
We are happy to close this year´s exhibition program of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf with two comprehensive solo exhibitions of this year´s winners of the Award for Visual Arts of the City of Düsseldorf: Hedda Schattanik and Alex Wissel. Together with Roman Szczesny, Hedda Schattanik presents video works as well as sculptures and photographs exclusively produced on the occasion of Unterhaltung auf Kosten eines Traurigen (“Conversation at the Expense of a Sad One”). In his parallel solo exhibition entitled with die Pest (“The Plague”), Alex Wissel developed a site-specific installation of drawings, sculptures and text, based on his research on historical artist festivals in Düsseldorf and the history of the Grabbeplatz.
From now on, each year the award winners’ work will be presented in alternating art institutions throughout Düsseldorf. The Kunstverein is delighted to host and organize the debut of this new exhibition series in collaboration with the city of Düsseldorf.
Welcome: Marianne Schirge, Head of Cultural Department Düsseldorf
Renate Ulrich, Board
Eva Birkenstock, Director