Elbow Room
Elbow Room, PE VI: YGRG 167
Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė
Monday, May 4, 2020
7 PM
Young Girl Reading Group (YGRG) is a project by artist duo Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė, which came into existence as an actual, weekly reading group in their Berlin flat in 2013. Since then, under this extended serial performative project the artists organized more than 160 reading groups and performances at various locations. YGRG started from a collective reading of texts which explore the intersections between gender and technology. YGRG 166 / 167 / 168 will read selected chapters from The Moral Authority of Nature by Lorraine Daston (2003), Ghostly Matters by Avery F. Gordon (1997), Re-Enchanting the World by Silvia Federici (2018), The Monster in the Machine by Zakiya Hanafi (2000), The Village Witch Doctor and Other Stories by Amos Tutuola (1990), The Art of Cruelty by Maggie Nelson (2011). R.s.v.p. is required for the individual sessions at mail@Kunstverein-duesseldorf.de.
PE VI: YGRG 166 / 167 / 168 is the second in a series of intermittent online Elbow Room events during the closure of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf due to COVID-19. The program was launched in March with the three Instagram Live Performances PE V: NYC Makeup and Wakeup # 1-3 by New York based artist David Mramor. The focus of this online iteration of the Kunstverein’s Elbow Room series is the examination, appropriation and negotiation of digital spaces of production – along their technological and spatial limitations, along repetitions and deceleration processes, and against the background of the current state of emergency, of masking, quarantine and self-isolation. Subsequent to David Mramor, Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė, others artists such as Nicholas Grafia and Mikołaj Sobczak, Caner Teker, Lena Willikens & Sarah Szczesny, curator and art historian Mi You, and poet and philosopher Daniel Falb have been invited to elaborate new productions, provide insights into research projects, or develop contributions in relation to the Kunstverein’s archive, its publications and its new, soon to be released website. Further information on upcoming activities, participants, sites, and times to follow.